Exit Treating Hemorrhoid Except Operation
Jakarta, Doctor, I have long had pain sickness. It's always clear I do not dare to do surgery. Right now my hemorrhoids are as big as the little finger, more or less Doctors have a different way out except surgery? Please answer Dok. Thanks. Thyra (Female, 24 th.) Thyra_XXXXXX @ gmail. comHigh 154 cm, weight 70 kgAnswerAmbeien has a different name: puru ketilik (in the rectum), hemorrhoids, piles, haemorroid. Hemorrhoid is a swelling of the veins at the end of the release (rectum). Completely, the condition in which the veins (blood vessels behind) in the lower region of the rectum or surrounding the anus naturally inflammatory (inflammatory) and swelling. Hemorrhoid there are four phases: Phase 1: BAB (defecation) bloody or blood coupled Stage 2: phase 1 + there is a bulge that time out CHAPTER. Automatic protrusions enter after CHAPTER. Phase 3: phase 1 + large / swollen bulge. A bulge may enter the anus with the help of a finger. Phase 4: The bulge becomes larger, unable to get into the anus. The bulge looks real from the outside. The surgery is done by the doctor along with the medical team in phases three and four. Unfortunately Thyra Mutiara's sister had not yet said whether the bulge faced was automatically entered by themselves as the CHAPTER, and whether accompanied by bleeding. Below is the exit of the hemorrhoid handle except the operation: 1. High-fiber diet. 2. Stay away from the long sitting in the closet. 3. Increase drinking clear water (1, 5 - 2 liters / day). 4. Stay away from spicy foods. 5. Stay away from alcoholic beverages. 6. Stay away from all drinks / foods that have the potential to stimulate and disturb or disturb the digestive system to work (tea, coffee, soft drinks, wholemeal bread, junk foods, etc.) 7. Try regular chapters, at least once a day. 8. Stay away from laxatives often. 9. Stay away from chasing time BAB. 10. Increase eating fresh vegetables and fruits. 11. Regular exercise, for example: swimming, gymnastics, jogging. Stay away from heavy exercise, such as: riding, weightlifting. 12. Avoid like lifting heavy loads. 13. Healthy living pattern, appropriate, suitable, and balanced. 14. For muslimin-muslimat, persering sunnah (especially Tahajud), diligent fasting sunah, multiply praying and berzikir. 15. If perceived to be heavier, continue to consult a doctor / family doctor, or visit the closest hospital that has complete facilities and insurance. All this information, hopefully give way out. Greetings healthy and successful always. Dito Anurogo is studying in S2 Basic Medical Knowledge and Biomedical FK UGM Yogyakarta. (hrn / up)